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Wiper and Ford Kenya cancel discussions on joint NASA nominations

Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka yesterday cancelled a meeting to discuss the contested National Super Alliance (NASA) nomination rules at the last minute, presumably to tone down an emerging standoff on the coalition’s primaries.

Ford Kenya’s Moses Wetang’ula had also invited journalists for a briefing over the party nomination plans but also cancelled it, giving credence to reports of a possible attempt to play down exchanges between the partner parties. Wiper had summoned its National Executive Committee members to discuss the nomination rules submitted to the Registrar of Political Parties last week but cancelled it, citing a quorum hitch.
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Earlier in the morning, Wiper Secretary-General Hassan Omar said the meeting was to discuss the rules before ratifying them. The party, through Senator Omar, has opposed the proposal for joint nominations, fearing a shambolic process. Wiper Chairman David Musila and some MPs had arrived for the meeting before it was announced that it had been cancelled.
Earlier in the morning, Wiper Secretary-General Hassan Omar said the meeting was to discuss the rules before ratifying them. The party, through Senator Omar, has opposed the proposal for joint nominations, fearing a shambolic process. Wiper Chairman David Musila and some MPs had arrived for the meeting before it was announced that it had been cancelled.
Read more at: https://www.standardmedia.co.ke/article/2001231889/wiper-and-ford-kenya-cancel-discussions-on-joint-nasa-nominations

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